Our projects

FAIR TO WOMEN is a project whose overarching goal is to promote the idea of equal treatment and equal opportunities for women on the labor market in Poland, and to distinguish those employers who create the best working conditions for women.

For organizations with the Fair to Women Employer title, it is a recognition and reward for the best practices and achievements of the organization in the field of GE solutions.

The aim of Forum 52% is to review and prepare solutions and formal and legal provisions that equalize the situation of women on the labor market and prevent exclusion of women from the career path. In addition, the project is preparing solutions to reduce the objectification of women in advertising


The stereotypical image of women in society is largely created by mass media, including advertising in particular.

Media monitoring is a qualitative assessment of content (broadcasts) and includes nationwide press titles with the largest reach (dailies and weeklies), the largest horizontal internet portals, nationwide news television, the largest nationwide radio stations and press agencies. 

We want to equip women with the necessary skills, tools, resources and confidence. We offer development and improvement of competences in the following thematic areas:  career development, leadership, organisation and conducting of social and political campaigns, negotiation techniques and the ability to build support, public speaking.

The benefits of participation in the WLA are the acquisition and strengthening of skills and techniques that will serve to increase the role of women in Poland.

The VIVA FEMINAE! program is a series of cyclical meetings of women in poviat cities, the purpose of which is to support women’s civic activation, networking and exchange of experiences, mentoring, promoting awareness and recognition of the importance of women’s participation at local, national and international levels. 

Vox Feminae Institute, 33/13 Nowy Świat , 00-029 Warsaw, voxfeminae.org@gmail.com

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