Monitoring mediów

Women working full-time in Poland still earn less than men and are still very under-represented at the top of the company hierarchy. Gender equality, meanwhile, should be seen as a strategic and operational goal in the same way as labor rights, human rights and sustainable development in the UN goals. Some international companies provide diversity training for employees and try to ensure equal opportunities for women and men at all levels of the organization. However, this is only a drop in the ocean of needs.

Fair to Women contest

Fair to Women promotes the idea of ​​equal treatment and equal opportunities for women on the labor market and certifies those employers who create the best working conditions for women, including, above all, in the field of equal pay, programs supporting the reconciliation of private and professional life, the participation of women in managerial positions or equality organizational culture.


Women working full-time in Poland still earn less than men and are still very under-represented at the top of the company hierarchy. Gender equality, meanwhile, should be seen as a strategic and operational goal in the same way as labor rights, human rights and sustainable development in the UN goals. Some international companies provide diversity training for employees and try to ensure equal opportunities for women and men at all levels of the organization. However, this is only a drop in the ocean of needs.

A nationwide survey of women’s self-esteem

Women’s lives to a multidimensional research area and modern society. Entering the role that women play – they take care of and care for – is strongly culturally conditioned. The traditional roles assigned to – housewife, home caretaker and full-time worker are no longer as characteristic as they used to be, but still determined in cooperation with women, she combines these roles either by choice, by necessity, or by unconscious direction. In addition, the use of women’s potential is crucial for economic development.